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Old Kenichi TV series announced in Germany

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Posted February 23 2020 - 06:32 AM

I'm not sure if there are any German fans here on HSDKFans (or anywhere else for that matter), but in case you exist and you haven't heard about it yet.


The old Kenichi tv series from 2006/2007 is going to air on a channel called ProSieben MAXX starting from March 13, Monday - Friday at 18:00. (Source)


It'll be released later on dvd(?)/bd(?) by Peppermint Anime.


No news about the manga which remains translated only into French and Italian (and 5 volumes in Russian).

Delirium Trigger

Posted February 23 2020 - 01:11 PM

Interesting. I'm not, but it's nice to see it's still circulating somewhere.


Posted March 05 2020 - 06:40 AM

ProSieben MAXX  only has 0.8% audience share in Germany,but that still decent amount of people. Maybe if Kenichi  becomes popular enough they license and manga too(very unlikely though).

The worst is that the manga did not receive an English release despite the fact that the anime was popular in the USA, I remember that Funimation said that the anime far exceeded their expectations, Kenichi was also in the top 3 or 5 popular anime on Hulu, even today Kenichi in top 20, but the manga did not receive a release. Kenichi was also very popular in South America and the manga there also did not receive a release. Instead, manga was realized where almost no one heard about it, in France and Italy, they did not hear because the anime was not broadcast there.


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